When we were kids, we would be running outside the second the school bell rang until we had to go back in September. We would be doing anything from riding bikes to playing kickball to running around the beach. The summer was ours, and we wanted every piece of it. The sunshine ruled our days, ...
Summer Summer
Summer - a time you run around, live it up, and have a lot less worries. Time to chill, hang back, and listen to some great tunes, while we...hang with friends, lay on the beach, grill some burgers, and sometimes just grab a magazine and say ... yes, please. Here's the playlist ...Listen now! #radiatedaily Image source: Pixels Talk
Show your Stripes and Stars
Written by blogging contributor, Sonia Sahota. With Fourth of July creeping up right around the corner, the excitement is definitely building. Plans with friends and family (or framily) for some laid back times with hopefully some damn good food and relaxation. And perhaps some bubbly. Considering this long weekend is typically a time for photos and ...
[Playlist]: 4th of July Ready
Because every moment needs a playlist right? We got you covered with a playlist full of today's hits, but also throwing it back to some Shakira, Will Smith, and even some Ricky Martin. Because how can you not shake your hips, when it comes on? Listen now! #radiatedaily image source: themuse jezebel
Running on Empty
With so many festivities, summer happenings, and commitments, you can't help but feel you're "running on empty." Juggling the family commitments, time to see friends, work (of course), and the regular "adulting" you must do to get through the day/week, sometimes you just have to breathe. Just Breathe. Take a moment to sit, reflect, and think what ...
Ground Control to… Major Comparison
With Victoria Secret Angels, Instagram showing young females who look better at 16 than we ever could have imagined, Magazines showing us what the ideal swimsuit body looks like, and how X or Y lost all that baby weight before they even gave birth, how can we not compare our own selves to what the ...
The highlight reel
Ever get caught up in what other people are posting, sharing, snapping, and gramming? I know I have. You get sucked into the rabbit hole and all of a sudden you're wondering where the time went. You see that your friends are posting that they're on a beach on so-and-so island, or having the best ...
Because RHCP has a new album out
A band who can make you feel empowered, jump around, and get excited. A band whose concert is never long enough, because the time flies by too fast. A band who has been around since the 80s and still has some of the best albums you'll ever own. And you can't help but jam out to ...
Finding Your Tribe
Written by Contributing blogger, Audrea Laffely. In a post earlier this year, I talked about the importance of investing in yourself. One of my key points was about finding your tribe. Your tribe defines who you are and where you are going, so surround yourself with people that are awesome, smart, and that you can learn ...
Appreciate the Weird
There are a lot of people we cross paths with each day. Society and media has allowed us to "bucket" and/or "categorize" people by how they look, speak, dress, and what they do for an occupation (amongst other things). Is this right? Is this helping us as a society? Each person we meet, become friends with, ...