Where do you start? Life is just plain complicated. We run around in circles sometimes, trying to get the result we want by doing the same thing over and over. Sounds a bit like insanity. We wish we could simplify our daily lives. Make our future clearer. Find a way to solve our issues with ...
Diet Starts on Monday
Written by Contributing Blogger, Sonia Sahota. “Diet starts on Monday..” How many of you have caught yourself saying these exact words? I’m sure many of you have your hands raised including myself. As summer is setting sail, we are all trying to be beach ready with clean eating during the week to fuel our bodies for ...
Finding the Work-Life Balance as a Single Woman
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. Are you married? Do you have kids? Those are the two most asked questions a woman in her 30s and younger are asked these days. All the time. There aren’t any questions about whether we love our careers or are we even happy with our lives. Those questions are hardly if ever ...
Nerd it out
When we were kids it was traumatic to be thought of as the dork, geek or nerd in school. You never wanted that adjective or any association of those words related to you. It would put a damper on your social life, to say the least. Funny how things change as you get older. Being ...
Is it Really the End of the World or Only the Beginning?
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. Remember when you were young and you thought everything was the end of the world? Everything was much bigger than it actually was. And you look back on those days and you laugh or you listen to kids now and you want to tell them whatever it is that’s ...
When you’re feeling lazy
You've worked your butt off all week, and now it's the weekend. The last thing you want to do is be productive, use your computer, or do chores. So you let some things slide, and decide to be lazy. Come Monday, you regret this because now you still have all this "adulting" to do on ...
Do you make time for nothing?
I recently read an article in the New York Times about the "case for doing nothing" and it made me think --- when do we, make time for doing "nothing"...not checking our phones, not watching tv, not making a to do list, just nothing. It seems like a foreign concept even to myself, I realize ...
Brunch Season is here
It's warmer. It's more pleasant outside. The sun is shining longer. The days don't feel as short. Hello, people it's patio brunch season. Ready for the long lazy time with your friends filled with eggs, pancakes, and more. I sure am. And to go along with it, here are some long lazy tunes for your ...
Do people change?
I've heard many times from folks, on TV, etc that "people don't change" --- that down in their core they're always going to remain the same. If they're stubborn, they will remain that way. If they're selfish, they won't adapt to the positive. To some extent I believe that to be true. If someone has ...
Why you don’t need to seek validation
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. You are valid just the way you are. Read that again. I am reading it again, because I have been struggling with that recently. Whether you’re my age (36) or you’re 15-years-old, you should never feel you need to seek validation from other people. Because guess what? You aren’t ...