So as you probably know, we started a podcast! Our first episode launched just a week ago, on my word for the year 2021, move. And the goal is to bring you amazing people a new episode once a week (goals, goals, goals), and here we are with episode 2! Episode 2 embarks on the ...
because I like it.
If you're a regular reader of Radiate Daily, you know pretty well that we love our music. We have over 100 playlists on our spotify channel, and it's because I've (@pamsahota) been into music since I was a drummer. Yes, a drummer. Fun fact, people. I used to live CD releases, and read the packets ...
Choose: You
We grew up thinking we had to put others' first and not be selfish by choosing what we wanted, for ourselves. Helping others, putting others needs before ours, being there when they wanted us / needed us. Putting our needs aside, for theirs. Now, I'm not saying it's wrong to help others. To be there ...
Keep moving
Your goals. It may be 2021, but it's just another year. Some of us use the "fresh start" of January to help us regain motivation and to jump into new areas of productivity and health --- which are all great. Any inspiration or motivation we can find or use, is a good thing. Things to ...
This version of you
Written by: Anonymous Contributor. Whose perception is reality? The one we hold of ourselves? Or the one others hold of us?I had just finished a 14 hour day, one where I had to scold a subordinate and listen to what seemed to be crisis after crisis with very little patience left. I canceled dinner with my ...
A little break…
We here at Radiate Daily have been busy providing you posts, spotify playlists, how to's inspiration from our stories, and of course instagram fun. With everything going on in the world, we've decided that even we need to #radiatedaily a little more, and take a break from the screen each week, and live a little ...
A tribute
It is with great sadness I write this post... Daniela Forte, our contributing blog writer, who has written some of the most honest and raw posts we have about life and getting through obstacles, and coming out the other side, recently lost her battle to cancer. To say cancer is a bitter piece of shit, doesn't ...
weight of a word
Some words, whether they are said to us, we hear them in a song, read them in a book, or say them ourselves, hold a little extra meaning. They weigh a little more - whether that's a heavy tough weight, or a weight that feels powerful or calming. For example tough words can be triggers ...
Everything Can Change in a Blink of an Eye
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. Want a crash course on life? Here it is. Be a 36-year-old looking to make major changes in life, not entirely happy with the life she has, feeling like something has to change and drop a cantaloupe-sized cyst in her pelvis. This is literally what happened to me the ...
Flip the negative
Have you had that day when all you can do is see through negative lens glasses. Those rose colored ones cannot be found. You are literally in a downward spiral of thinking everything sucks and every person is annoying you. It shows on your face. It can be heard in your voice. And the energy ...