Are you feeling that crisp air? The desire for apple cider donuts, pumpkin flavored everything (or nothing, you know if that's your thing), walks along the shore, seeing the leaves change color, and feeling that fresh new season settle in. The idea of a fresh start in a way. With a wisp of nostalgia in ...
Love yourself first
Have you ever thought to yourself about how much you truly put yourself first? What you do for yourself each day, week, and in general? How much you put others ahead of yourself? Sometimes putting yourself first isn't selfish, it's a necessity. It's definitely food for thought... Listen to more in our latest podcast here. Until ...
Have you looked at the other side?
When it comes to conversations, confrontations, relationships, professional and personal ... it's important, clutch, and courageous to look at both sides of the coin. See the situation from the other person's POV versus just your own. Lets take a relationship for example. You get into an argument over something big, perhaps something that makes you ...
HOT like Summah Playlist
It's hot, it's August, and our playlist is ready to cruise with, workout to, or just plain jam out to on any day of the week. Monday to get your week going, Wednesday to get through the hump, and of course the weekend because it's the freakin' weekend! Check out our latest hottest playlist for your ...
Am I really a Type A?
Have you ever wondered if you're really a Type A or B or a mix of both, especially in particular instances? I know I have, and I feel that over time my "type" has evolved, and definitely become a mixed breed rather than a pure bred. For example, I used be a major Type A ...
The podcasts you’re missing out on…
Read our list or listen to it today on OUR podcast... We have books and movies and netflix, but we also have podcasts. Yes there are some of us who prefer to read or view over listening, but when you're driving your car, or going for a walk, or commuting, sometimes listening is the perfect way ...
life is like a box of chocolates truly never know what you're going to get, and what's going to happen next. Well, unless you're able to predict the future, which is cool and terrifying at the same time. It's not just a forrest gump movie, line. It's true. You think you're stable in your job, and then boom the economy slides. You think ...
Summer Lovin’ playlist style
It's hot, it's sunny, it's high time for a great playlist to jam into for the summer rollin' in. Are you ready for some great tunes to take with you on a road trip? Listen as you work outside on an afternoon, while you take a stroll, or just lay on the beach or by ...
short story_untitled continued
In our first short story_untitled, we left off here. Read below for part 2, or listen to our podcast version instead. .... He visited the water many times the weeks after. He couldn't help himself. He felt drawn to be where she was, or she may be. It was as if she was meant to ...
Summer book list ready to pop open
Finding time to read may not always be the easiest, but taking some time off in the summer for mental health, relaxation and/or just because gives us a little extra time. Imagine yourself sitting on a beach with the waves crashing or by the pool with the sun shining, or just on your couch with ...
when it rains, it pours
Have you ever noticed that things comes in threes, or when shit goes, or when great things happen, it all comes in some form of abundance? Sometimes it's a luxury, other times it feels overwhelming and a bit like a burden. Wondering, why? But why is this all happening now? to me? Perhaps it's not ...
Got that summer feelin’
You know that feeling. The sun is shining. You start to feel carefree. You are ready for the beach, some hiking, some sunshine in the park, picnics, bbq, and damn that feels good. We have a playlist just for that feelin' and your perfect times ahead. Are you ready for this hot little playlist, with ...