For about a year, I've had a bottle of apple cider vinegar sitting in my fridge. Just sitting, waiting, taunting me. I tried it once, and I almost gagged. Realizing, drinking it straight wasn't the best way to ease in, or to consume it regularly. But as of lately, I've tried to be better about ...
Is Sugar your Enemy?
Sugar - we hate it...we love's a tug a war relationship. Personally, I grew up with a sweet tooth where I always wanted a little dessert (ok maybe more than a little) after dinner. It was my reward...right? It was always hard for me to turn down ice cream or cake or cookies. I ...
The benefits of taking care of a plant
It's true - I have the worst green thumb. I've even killed a cactus, when I over-watered it. Sorry to the friend who left it in my care, one summer. But, what are the benefits of said plant if you can manage to keep it alive and not under or over-nourished? Awesome ones... The benefits of ...
Harness Your Inner Self
...sometimes all it takes is the right song or playlist to get your mind and body in check. You hear the beat, your brain clears out the cobwebs, and you get motivated to tackle the world. Find your song...maybe it's on this playlist. Subscribe today to our 100+ playlists. #radiatedaily
Six Benefits of a Trainer
I always hesitated against having a trainer at the gym - specifically based on the expense the and time needed to dedicate. But when my gym offered a few free sessions, I wasn't going to turn down "free." And what I gained was more than I expected. I was just trying to avoid getting guilt ...
Six Ways to Love Yourself…Today
It's easy to hate on ourselves and pick at ourselves for the littlest of things...usually things that no one else notices, but us. But why don't we change the story...make it about self appreciation and loving yourself and who you are, vs. picking at the little scabs and wounds. Here are a few ways to get ...
Just a little space
Being a city dweller, space is a limited but hot commodity. A balcony, a little green patch (that's a yard right?), or dare I say, a roofdeck is everything. It's an escape from the world - the daily grind - a moment to just let it all melt away. Does that mean turning to suburbia ...
New beginnings
As Daniela put it in her post about endings - new beginnings are just around the corner. We don't always realize at the time of stress or frustration that there is something else waiting...waiting to be discovered. Recently a lot of friends of mine have been going through a rough time. Some with jobs. Others with ...
Every Ending Brings a New Beginning
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. What is it about endings in life that make things feel so scary? It is the unknown. If you are anything like me, endings of any kind are never easy. They suck actually. Just recently I had a new ending, one I wasn’t expecting for a little while. I totaled my ...
When Beginnings and Music Collide
Endings come. Beginnings vanish. Music collides. Here's your playlist to tackle the madness. Listen now! #radiatedaily image source - pixabay
The Power of the Stubborn
Stubborn. Some call it a weakness, while others call it a strength. What is it though? Me, I hate to lose or not be the best at things. For example, when I was a kid, my brother would let me win at video games, and when I realized he was letting me win, it only hardened ...
Is makeup a disguise?
Ok ladies, ever feel like you're painting a portrait? We wake up, we put on a "face" and we "face" the world. But is it necessary? What's the point? My reasons for caring enough to try a little: No one needs makeup, but sometimes we want it It can give a boost of confidence from the outside - ...