Whether it's the Monday blues, Wednesday or Friday afternoon, this playlist is the perfect way to get over the hump... Listen now. #radiatedaily image source - pixabay
How much will you let them withdraw?
Are you a "people pleaser"? The type of person who is always there for a friend or family member in "need"? The person who people vent to and lean on on a regular basis? Hey that's not a bad thing. It means you're reliable, people trust you, and know they can count on you. All wonderful ...
Choosing the right book…
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte on Books from my closet. Last night I was reading some of the final pages of “Wild” by Cheryl Strayed, (not finished it yet..almost done!) and I began to think about my next book choice. For months I had one book in mind, was so sure about it. Until last ...
When It’s Not About You
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. I recently had a relative say something to me that hurt. This relative picked at something I love to do in my spare time and in essence made it seem more like a detriment to who I am rather than giving accolades to the things I love to do. I didn’t ...
Have you started your bucket list?
A lot of times when I hear about bucket lists, it's when people are looking to move from their current home/city, or are getting older and want to complete a list of things they always wanted to do. But who says we need to wait until these occasions to have and cross off our bucket ...
Fresh Spring Beginnings
Written by contributing blogger, Sonia Sahota. We can all agree that this winter has been one for the books. Thankfully, there is a light at the end of the tunnel…. SPRING is near! Spring is definitely my favorite season of the year. I like to think that spring brings new beginnings. As winter passes, and flowers ...
Endings and Beginnings
With every spring, flowers begin to bloom, leaves come back, and everything feels a little more new. It feels like yet another fresh start. It means the end of things we need to let go of, and hopefully the beginning of better things. And here is the perfect playlist to start off this transition. Listen now. #radiatedaily image source ...
What if you had another chance?
Ever see the movie, Sliding Doors? Yes, it's from 20 years ago, but recently I've been reading the book Dark Matter, and it reminded me of the movie. They have very little in common, except the potential of alternate realities and lives, and how the outcome of your current life could be so different, just ...
It’s not just about this one day
International Women's Day may be over but like I said recently on Instagram, it's not about the one day. "International Women's Day is something we should celebrate everyday. Whether you wear a cape, are a statue that symbolizes being fearless, wear heels, wear sneakers, are tall or short... the list goes on...it isn’t just about . ...
The superhero complex – do you have it?
According to a recent article, a superhero complex is basically - when one may "...believe that we are made up of superhuman strength, able to fight through any and every life challenge with no break, meet the needs of everyone who needs us at any time, and... often do not know how to say NO ...
...with this playlist at the gym, on the dance floor, or just in the your living room as you dance around. Listen Now! #radiatedaily image source - pixabay
three ways to feel more fulfilled
Most of us...or at least I'd like to believe...want to leave this world a better place. They want to make an impact. They want to leave a legacy. They want to help people, the earth, and make life a little bit better for themselves, their family, and those that they leave behind. We want a ...