Every week and especially weekend, I think to myself, I'm going to such an awesome "adult" and get all these tasks completed - everything from laundry to spring/fall cleaning, to reading that book I've had on my coffee table for weeks, put in extra time for my workout, eat healthier because I have the time ...
Productivity and Relaxation – it can happen
This past weekend, I struggled on whether I needed to stay in all weekend or if I would be able to go away for the weekend as originally planned. I had more on my plate for work than I originally anticipated and felt a tad overwhelmed on how much I should tackle to not only ...
Would you rather be a lifetime movie or a hallmark movie?
Well let's think for a second....lifetime movies are typically a little outrageous whether it's psychotic nanny, jealous significant other, kidnappers, and so many other crazy scenarios you dream will never be something you encounter or live through yourself. And then there's Hallmark...a cycle of love stories told from one inn owner or cupcake maker to a ...
Starting to feel a bit like Halloween…
You pass by the stores and you see the orange pumpkins, the shelves of candy, and the arched backs of black cats and witches hats. It's that time of year, when the leaves start changing, it's a little more brisk and you can't help but get into the season yourself. And here's a little playlist just ...
When one door slams, don’t look for that window…
As the saying goes "when one door closes, another open", or even a "window." That's pretty great because who wants to keep waiting for the closed door to open again? But can we help ourselves? Sometimes we wish it would crack just a little to let part of us back in, even just a window. ...
Inspirational Quotes for Everyday
So many motivation quotes. So many times we need one to help us to remember something we should already know about ourselves and how we approach life. But sometimes we need a friendly reminder. Here are some that I try to use on a regular basis. You are enough. Walk with your head held high. ...
How does the world see you?
Ever hear your voice on a recording and feel astounded at how you sound to others versus how you think you sound? I know I am. Now think about the characteristics you use to describe yourself in an interview, or to friends, or in a survey or application. I usually think driven, kind, sympathetic, organized, ...
Are you ready for September?
...too late, it's here. September vibes, are all good vibes. A little hint of summer, a little hint of Fall. A little of everything that feels like a fresh start, and leaving the BS behind. And a playlist that makes you feel like everything is going to be perfectly alright. Listen now, as you gaze up into those ...
Self Care – an everyday practice
We've said it here, others say it, we read it, and talk about it - "self care" is important. Whether it's a face mask, an extra workout, a special girls night, or sleeping in an extra hour. We feel like these are moments we take to do some extra care for ourselves - self care. ...
An Alternative Ending in our Life Stories
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. Have you ever watched a movie or a television show and thought, “It would have been great had it ended this way, versus the way it did?” You think about how great that alternative ending could have been had the director or producer just gone in another direction. Life is kind ...
Blossom or Whither
She ran down the path towards the river, feeling free. She had escaped the toxicity of a relationship that was holding her back. A friendship that made her feel like she had to try too hard just to even breathe in the same room. A friend who made her struggle to get ready to get ...