I am an only child that always dreamed of having a sibling, but it just wasn’t in the cards for me. I realize that not everyone gets along with their sibling- but there were sometimes in my life where I would have loved a special sidekick to help guide me through the good, and well- the more interesting times. While I wished for a sibling, I do think there are some parts of being an only child that has made me who I am today- independent, strong, and resilient.
Recently I joined the Big Sister Association of Boston and became a “Big Sister” to a sweet and chatty second grader named Michelle*. Michelle may be a little peanut, but she is a HUGE ball of energy with a contagious smile! I get to see Michelle once a week at her school during lunch hour. Her school is only a short walk from my office, and it is a great way to break up the work day. During our hour each week, we can do all sort of things- play games, read, work on math problems, and make arts and crafts with lots of glitter- her first request, or course! Michelle dreams of being a fairy princess when she’s a grown up, but if that doesn’t happen, she has her sights set on being a doctor.
While our visits will be filled with fun and laughter, I hope there are some things I can teach her and pass along to her if she’s ever having a tough day, is in need of advice, or is just looking for a pat on the back when she’s done a great job. And I hope she teaches me a few things, too- beyond the Mandarin she is learning in school.
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*name changed to protect anonymity