Recent Posts by Pam Sahota


Flip the Story on Valentine’s Day

As Valentine's day is once again around the corner, every store, restaurant, and media outlet is looking for a way to make the most out of the "hallmark" holiday. Hearts everywhere. Chocolate. Cupid. Pink. Red. Fixed Menus for the "special" occasion. All of it, surrounding us since Christmas and the New Year ended. But does ...


But do you journal?

Journaling is something I started a few years ago and I'm always looking for the right notebook or journal to help write out my thoughts, ideas, or just doodle sometimes. Journaling is great way to reduce stress boost mindfulness encourage space from your thoughts acknowledging what you feel a way to process what's going on in your life determining where ...


The Ultimate Holiday Playlist is Out of the Oven

Once again, we decided to heat up the ultimate holiday playlist which has been building over the years and is now 150 songs large. From classic to pop to alt Christmas and holiday songs for your listening pleasure. We just wanted to add a little more pizazz with some of the latest ones to pop ...

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