Why September is the perfect refresh button…

By Tuesday, September 5, 2017 0 , , , , Permalink

Maybe it’s not for everyone, but September has been my perfect refresh, many a years over. It’s like the school year is starting, but instead we’re grownups. We’re not buying new notebooks and pencils, but instead, perhaps we’re buying a couple new outfits. We have a chance to refresh our lifestyle and ourselves. We can recommit to the things we neglected over the summer. There is less desire to be outside ALL the time, as the weather dips a bit lower, and our desire to nest becomes a bit stronger.

My favorite ways to refresh each fall include:

  1. Adding a few new decor items or switching them out from summer – deeper hues, new throws or pillows on the bed/couch and pumpkin scented candles (sorry, but yes).
  2. Re-evaluating my diet and exercise routine and seeing where I’ve fall short, and where is best to improve (that is realistic)
  3. Taking an evaluation of my new years resolutions and seeing how far they’ve come along and how I can ensure I complete them for the rest of the year
  4. Taking advantage of the crisp fall weather and enjoying the cultural happenings when I’m not at work
  5. Taking a moment to breathe a little deeper, and relax and enjoy the moment

How about you? What’s your refresh button?


image source – pixabay

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