Summer is coming. There are juice cleanses. Diets. Exercise regimens. And so much more. We’ve all done. We jump on, we jump off, and start all over again. Say hi to your hamster buddies…we’ve all been on the wheel.
Here’s the thing – it’s hard not to crave your comfort foods. Whether it’s pizza, ice cream, cheese, or just some damn good guacamole. Comfort food is appealing for a reason. According to the almighty Google comfort food is “food that provides consolation or a feeling of well-being, typically any with a high sugar or other carbohydrate content and associated with childhood or home cooking.”
My comfort foods (yes there is more than one, duh) include:
- pizza
- cheese and pepperoni
- pancakes
- cereal
- toast with marmalade
- nachos
Not the healthiest. But not horrific, if kept at moderation.
My comfort foods are usually the most appealing when:
- It’s Friday evening after a long week
- I’m sick / under the weather
- I feel like treating myself
What’s my point you’re asking? Comfort food is ok! We all deserve to have our favorites when we need or want it (as long as it’s not everyday of course). Unless your comfort food is a vegetable or a healthy protein. Then hey – get at it!
And of course, you can also make some of your comfort foods a bit more healthy. For example:
- pizza – try cauliflower or gluten free crusts
- cheese and pepperoni – try the harder cheeses
- pancakes – try gluten free
- cereal – make your own cereal mix
- toast with marmalade – try gluten free bread and farmer’s market fresh jam
- nachos – try gluten free chips, light cheese, guacamole, fresh salsa, and some fresh grilled chicken
Don’t deprive yourself, just because beach weather is around the corner. Let yourself live a little!
image source – pixabay