Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte.
I recently began crocheting, it’s something I have wanted to learn for a long time now, but never got a chance to. Learning to crochet became even more important to me after my grandmother got Alzheimer’s Disease.
She used to crochet such beautiful blankets for my brother and me, and I thought I should carry on this timely tradition in my family. Some months ago, I tried to give her needles to see if she could do it or if it would calm her down, but unfortunately it didn’t do either.
Let me begin by saying, since I started, it hasn’t been an easy process, but I am getting better. I am determined to get better because I want to learn. The other night as I was crocheting, I began to think about the various lessons crochet teaches you that you can certainly apply to daily life.
I thought I would share them with all of you!
Forgive Yourself: While crocheting, or learning to crochet you have to forgive yourself for the mistakes you will make, and there will be plenty, I can tell you. Life is the same way, you will make a ton of mistakes, it’s part of how you grow as a person and learn the valuable lessons your life will teach you. Without mistakes you won’t know you can do better than before. Forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made in your life and carry on.
Laugh at Yourself: When you make crazy mistakes in crocheting, don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself at what you have done. You are learning and laughter should always be part of the process. I laughed at myself plenty of times as I saw what I was creating because it looked absolutely ridiculous, but it was alright. In life, once in a while it is so important to laugh at yourself because life isn’t as serious as we make it sometimes, and you shouldn’t take it that seriously either.
Be Proud of Your Accomplishments: When you finally get the hang of crocheting, be proud of yourself! You definitely deserve it. You created something! Whether it is a scarf or blanket or even a few rows of the single stitch, you got it! The same goes for the accomplishments in your life. Be proud of all that you have achieved and continue to work hard at what you want to continue to achieve.
Don’t Be Afraid to Start Over: When you can’t get the needle into the right loop and end up messing up the whole thing beyond repair, don’t be afraid to start over. Starting over is another chance to do it again even better than the last time. Don’t give up. We’re starting over every day, and that is a gift and it’s so important to take full advantage of the opportunity to do so. You never know what you will create or can find in starting over.
Remain Calm: One of the things I learned from a friend of mine is that if you are tense while you’re crocheting and/or knitting, it won’t come out right. Everything will be tight and just be all kinds of wrong. One thing I realized about crocheting is how calming and meditative it is, even when I am not doing it right. Same in life, if you don’t stay calm, everything will come out all kinds of wrong. Remember, you will get through whatever life throws at you.
Be Determined: When you have begun a project, be determined to finish it. Don’t allow your mistakes and mishaps deter you from finishing. Keep going! When life gets you down, be determined to push through, don’t allow the road blocks stop you from getting to where you want to in life.
It’s Okay to Ask for Help: When I first started crocheting, I watched YouTube video after YouTube video to get the hang of it, none of it helped. Not yet anyway. I brought my yarn into work and asked my co-worker if she crocheted, and she did. So she helped me get it started, and taught me the process in a much simpler way than any YouTube video could. In life, don’t be afraid to ask for help, whether it is your friends, family members or co-workers. There is no shame in asking for help. Life can be difficult to navigate alone, and sometimes you need a little guidance to get you through some of life’s trials and tribulations.
Find a Hobby!: This is a new hobby for me, and I am really enjoying it. It makes me happy. It’s something in my everyday life I look forward to. Several months ago, I also started decorating my life planner, so between that and this, it offers a sense of happiness. I am also planning to get reading more, I have neglected my love of reading. Whether you want to start crocheting or do something else, find something that brings you joy.
Take Your Time: Don’t rush, there is no need to rush when doing crochet. Take your time with each stitch you create. Rushing will only lead to mistakes, same goes for life, go slowly there is no need to rush through life, you will be fine.