
5 reasons to mute someone in your life

By Saturday, August 24, 2024 0 , , , , Permalink

Life is busy, chaotic, and truthfully just a lot sometimes. So why would we put up with more crap from people in our lives? Let’s mute them. Drop them. Leave them behind. We deserve a bit of peace and serenity and if the people we surround ourselves with are not a source of that, bye bye bye.

Here are a few reasons I may let someone exist (bc this isn’t Game of Thrones) but not bother with them anymore:

  1. You feel exhausted after hanging out with them
  2. You are putting in all the effort
  3. They only hit you up when they need something or are bored
  4. They are not trustworthy (aka lie or do things behind your back that are something better left in mean girls)
  5. You just don’t like them as a human

So whether you drop them completely or mute them from your social media and regular daily life – dealer’s choice. But my advice from personal experience – don’t waste your energy anymore.

Until next time #radiatedaily

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